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~Heaven called~ ~♥~Little Angel Answered~♥~ February 10, 2010


Happy Birthday in Heaven, little Sydney. One year old. ♫~ Happy birthday to you,~♫♫ happy birthday to you, ♫♫~Happy birthday, sweet Sydney~♫♫~Happy birthday to you~♫♫~♥~

~From Angel Leah Victoria Avril~

Judy~Mom/Angel Curtis Dawson "Precious Baby Sydney" February 10, 2010

With Sincere Sympathy & many prayers that God will give you His help, His strength, and His hope*

Diz Love Never Dies March 31, 2009
Please accept my heartfelt condolences and prayers for you, your husband Eric, and your three beautiful children...Christian, Hailey and Sydney. Love never dies and I believe you will see your beautiful Sydney again.
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